Living In Chapter 12
Have you ever started reading a book and, after a couple of chapters, flipped over to the last chapter
Have you ever started reading a book and, after a couple of chapters, flipped over to the last chapter
Welcome, please come in. Good to see you. I’m Ray, and welcome to our meeting. Name tags are on the table. Please take one, fill it out, grab some water, and jo...
By a show of hands, who wants to go into the wilderness? There’s not a lot of takers on this one. No one enjoys the wilderness. Who, in their right mind, wo...
We are living in unprecedented times. Depression, anxiety, and fear are now running rampant. Navigating through the maze of life in “normal” times was difficu...
The past few weeks have transformed the world, as we knew it, into a world that we could not have imagined. For the most part, the entire world has become quar...
Once upon a time. . .
Have you ever driven through, or walked through a dark tunnel? It’s really not bad, as long as you can see either a light behind you, or a light ahead of you. ...
I recently ran across a story of The Dog and The Elephant that I want to share in this post. It’s very short, and somewhat humorous, yet it makes a great point...
Whether you are a movie fan or not, most everyone is familiar with the Rocky series. Sylvester Stallone stars as Rocky Balboa, an amazing fighter who overcomes...
Vicki was a schoolteacher for seventeen years, prior to becoming a realtor. She loved children, and she loved teaching. Actually, Vicki never stopped being a ...