Many of you may remember a movie from 2005 titled, “Are We There Yet?” It involved two children on a road trip, and the various distractions that occurred along the way. And naturally, the question continued to surface, “Are we there yet?”Continue reading →
God and Technology
Ah, the world of technology. It’s in everything and everywhere we look. Could it be just a passing fad?Continue reading →
Pop Quiz
Pop quiz has been defined as a test given without prior warning, an unexpected series of questions. This is generally referred to in classroom settings, however, I’ve found that it also applies in life.
To say that I was never a big fan of tests in school, would be a major understatement.
In fact, I subscribed to the theory that tests cause stress, Continue reading →
Did You See The Arrow?
You may be one of those who saw the arrow years ago, and that’s great. It was only recently for me, so please allow me to share this simple life lesson, and if you happen to be one of those who has not yet seen the arrow, may this be a life lesson for you, as well.Continue reading →
Swimming In The Fog
Recently on one of those days when I couldn’t seem to see my way, I ran across the story of Florence Chadwick. Perhaps you know her story, but even if you do, maybe a reminder would be appropriate.Continue reading →
I Still Remember. . .
In loving memory of Vicki,
out of my sight but never out of my heart!
Always loved, never forgotten!
I still remember. . .Continue reading →
When Life Doesn’t Make Sense
“This just doesn’t make sense.”Continue reading →
The Day I Met Rocky
Whether you are a movie fan or not, most everyone is familiar with the Rocky series. Sylvester Stallone stars as Rocky Balboa, an amazing fighter who overcomes amazing obstacles to become a champion. It became a very popular series, including Rocky, then Rocky II through Rocky V, then Rocky Balboa and finally, Creed.
A few weeks ago, on a hot Sunday afternoon, I decided to go for a walk in my neighborhood. It was just an ordinary day, or so I thought, but it became a day that I will long remember, for it was the day I met Rocky.Continue reading →
Abstain From Pain
As the old joke goes:
Patient: “Doctor, Doctor, it hurts when I do this.”
Doctor: “Then don’t do that.”Continue reading →
Transform Me
My prayer: Teach me.
God’s answer: Trust me.
My response: Transform me.Continue reading →