Getting Past The Past

Have you ever made a decision that didn’t produce the outcome that you had desired? Have you ever made a choice that you still regret? Have you ever second-guessed, third or fourth-guessed yourself? Perhaps you made a choice that revealed unexpected results. Days, weeks, months, or even years later, you had the thought, “What if I had chosen something different? What if I had taken the other road?”Continue reading →

Gone Too Soon

There are times it seems like yesterday, but other times it seems so far away.  Five years ago, Vicki transitioned from this earthly home to her heavenly home.  And even after five years, it’s hard to explain, but emotions still run deep on October 7.  I will not pretend it has been an easy journey, but it has been a most educational process.  The things that God has taught me,Continue reading →

Essential or Nonessential

Recently, the words “essential” and “nonessential” have been circulating quite a bit, due to the pandemic and quarantine, we are currently facing.  You, or your job, have probably been placed in one of these categories.  What, exactly, does it mean for someone, or something to be labeled “essential” or “nonessential?”Continue reading →